I like what Mr Koay said yesterday. Failure leads to success. But he encourages us to fail. Haha~ Not a very wise decision. But still, he's got his point. I believe we should make study fun. It's not about grades and it's not that hard. Exam is an evaluation of what we had learn and what we can output. It's just a small checkpoint in life but most of us make a big fuss about it. Well, you do die when you didn't have good grades and good academic results. BUT, it's not the end of the world you know.
So, what if i did not so good this time? I would tell myself, I've worked hard for it and i will NOT regret. Sure, my parents, teachers and close friends would be on my back. But still, this is what makes me better and better. Maybe i can't have full As, but i will improve, you can bet on that.
Mr Koay said another thing yesterday. You do not have to score 100 marks to get an A. True again. Instead of grinding the book and swallowing the whole thing, we should try to eat them bits by bits. Tackle questions that may come out and read on those. I believe objectives are meant to be harder because you are given choices. So we UNDERSTAND the concept. As for structures and essays, we ANALYSE the situation and EVALUATE the main idea and explain the thing. Hehe.
My results maybe not as good as others, but still I tried. I will never stop trying and I will improve myself in every exam. Good luck my friends! (of course, to myself too! ^^)
Signing off, Just me! XD