Monday, October 26, 2009

Reasons To Always Carry A Camera! Cheese!

ain't it a beauty~ cross legged!

the nemo birds are back, only in different colour.... mate mate mate!!

smal cat: m juz dropping by~ XD


wedding day@cake, it was gone b4 the ceremony begun...

aiya~ 不小心给你拍到我粗鲁的一面...


i wan i wan i wan i wan i wan i wan i wan~~~~ nuts...

wet wet liao.... my butt.....

people should give more attention to rising global temperature.... d lions are H-O-T


cat-nabed.... kakax

one msia~ one ecosystem...


dog n dolphine~ where is d relationship???

i especially like tis! spy catz... kakax


blek you back..... XP...

we learn to share with 'others'...

dog small or hen big? so cute! XD


Unknown said...

wonderful pictures u have...haha...nice one..^^

Unknown said...

thx gurl~ XD